Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Garden Time!

Our 2 adorable kiddos helped me plant the garden in the beautiful sunshine over the weekend.  The 3rd adorable kiddo was present, but yet to see the sunshine for about 8 more weeks ;o)

About a month ago, a kind friend came and tilled the earth for us, and since then, we’ve been preparing the soil – mushroom compost, a little rock picking (because apparently it grew rocks over the winter from last year!), and some organic “Garden Tone.”  My big handy helper grabbed the hoe and helped to break up the soil before we began to mound the rows.


My mama hands got a little busy and a little dirty (as Daddy had a Saturday full of meetings) and I unfortunately didn’t get any film memories of planting – luckily, God gave me a brain that has plenty of fun planting shots in my mind-camera.

This year we have 2 varieties of tomatoes, green beans, yellow zucchini squash, bell peppers and carrots.  The kids wanted the carrots.  We’ll see how that rolls.


My reader (Hudson loves to read) helped me figure out how far apart to plant and when they would reach maturity.  Lucky for us, we found out that most of our garden will mature just in time for the baby to arrive….hmm, I may need my little helpers again come that time, to harvest!

And of course, on a warm spring day, what shall you do after you work in the garden?  Wash the car and play in the suds of course!


Daddy liked his special clean car surprise, as well as his clean sudsy-soapy-wet hugs when he arrived home.

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