Friday, July 31, 2009

the bugman pool

Anna amazes me. Really she does. I know, every parent says that about their brilliant child, but she is so amazingly observant. And she remembers details and things about our day that I don't think a 22 month old should remember. But she does. Here's my example:

Yesterday we went to the bugman pool. No, it's not really called the bugman pool, but that's what Marion and her boys call it, so that is what we call it too. And we only can go because they invite us to go along, so "bugman" it is! :o) We had a blast swimming at the pool - and it's great because Hudson is getting to be such a proficient swimmer I don't feel like I have to be right beside him all the time, and Anna can enjoy the shallower beach-style entrance kids' area more. (more to come soon on Hudson's swimming - we've got some cool video: he can swim all the way across and olympic sized pool and 1/2 way across on his back!)

I knew they were having fun; the smiles, the laughs, the blue slushee. When Daddy arrived home, the first thing Anna said to daddy (after squealing "jaaaadeeeee") was, "Meeron shwim!" (for all you non-Anna speakers, that's Marion swim). She was telling Daddy that she went swimming with Marion. I thought that would be it, and I was delighted that she even remembered to tell him that! But it continued....even into dinner when she told him this:

shwim-soo. (rubs face) Meeron. Saaahm. Jaymsss. Roar! Meeron jump! Hudson jump! shwim! Gummies. shwim!

(I wore a swimsuit. I put on sunscreen. Marion, Sam and James were there. Sam played Dinosaurs with me. I roared at him. I jumped to Marion. Hudson jumped. He jumped and then he swam. I ate gummy fish. I swam more.)

I don't know about you, but I think that's a pretty detailed story for someone who isn't 2 yet!

1 comment:

Flamingo said...

she's so cute! and yes....she's smart:)