Tuesday, November 17, 2009

missionary crop-dusters and earth movers!

There is a nearby construction site and we took a bike riding field trip to the area today after lunch (cause it is a gorgeous fall day!).  We watched the earth movers push and pull the soil.  We saw dump trucks come in to the site nearly every 5 minutes to deposit more soil to be “moved”.  Hudson learned how to signal the dump trucks to honk their horns (which they did, cause he is so darned cute).  Hudson on Earth Mover

But the coup de gras?  The little man got to “drive” an earth mover.  The grandfatherly gentleman noticed us having fun observing the site, and while there were no dump trucks around, he drove the earth mover over to us and asked Hudson if he would like to drive.  I think Hudson nearly exploded with excitement.

The nice gentleman lifted Hudson up onto the earth mover and into the seat (the tracks for the wheels were as tall as me) and he talked to Hudson a bit about the vehicle.  He asked Hudson if that is what he wanted to do when he was older, and bless Hudson, I think he said yes….I couldn’t quite tell. 

I say that because for as long as we can remember, Hudson has wanted to be a pilot.  And now, it isn’t just any pilot.  It is a missionary crop-duster pilot.  So you’d think that maybe he has not really an understanding of what that is.  Wrong – he does.  Ask him what it means and he says,

“A pilot that flies around the world telling people in different places about Jesus.”

I think he has the idea. :) 


Knocker Boys said...

That's very cool.

Flamingo said...

that's awesome. he may have to be a missionary to some of my kids:) lol

Sha sha wants to be a nurse. they would be great on the field together!:)

The Wyler Family said...

so sweet! i love it!