Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hadleigh bug @ 10 months


The bug is full of life and love and kisses and babbles!  Hadleigh loves to giggle and observe life around her.IMG_2683          IMG_2664

She has mastered the power crawl and is quite the scootch-er; in fact, she’s so efficient, we’re not sure she is going to get up on the hands and knees crawl.  She pulls up to furniture and stands there with a very proud look on her face, often squealing with delight.  She gets man-handled by her brother and sister often, and is beginning to let them know when she doesn’t appreciate it.  Although, she takes a lot more than I ever would!


She likes to look at books (bestill my teaching mama heart!) and chew on them as well….she’s not a literary critic yet. :o)  She enjoys toys that jingle and rattle and likes to play “roll the ball”.  She’s figured out how to get up the first three steps of our stairs.

This month, Hadleigh also took her very first trip to Walt Disney World.  She met princesses and Pooh and soaked in every sight she could hold her eyes open for.


She got to spend Mother’s Day with her Mama, Mom-Mom, and Grandmom at Animal Kingdom; what a treat! 

Happy 10 months lovebug!

1 comment:

Tracy Watanabe said...

Can't wait to meet her!!!