Friday, May 16, 2014

Bubba is NINE!

Our Bubba is nine.  Did you get that?  Nnnnniiiinnnneee.  Like, the last year in single digits.  1) That’s outta control for this mommy to fathom.  2) There were a few times in his life I was pretty sure we’d never make it to this point as a result of his, shall we say, adventurous-ness?


(Thanks to the magic of FaceTime, Uncle B even got to join in on the party – and made his day!)


For Hudson Christopher’s ninth, we decided to change it up a bit and do a family outing.  He loves the Phillies – it’s something he can connect with Daddy, Poppy and Uncle Bryan on.  So, all clad in a new birthday Phillies’ shirt and an awesome hat from the Birthday Crew at the park, Hudson was off to go stand in line for the #1 reason he loves baseball stadiums….the food.  Particularly, the cheesesteaks.









Armed with a foot long to himself, he sat down to enjoy the game.IMG_1816

Little did he know, the birthday crew didn’t just give him a hat, they came to his seat and had the whole section sing Happy Birthday to him.  He was smitten!


A cheesesteak, water ice, peanuts, and a soda later, his stomach may have been full.  Good thing it was his birthday!


Unfortunately, the Phils went down in the 8th and never recovered – but it was still a fun evening!  The next day (his actual birthday) was spent at Poppy and Mom-Mom’s celebrating his joyful life.  Aunt Steph and his two great Grandmothers also got to attend to sing to him and wish him well.


(So I don’t get in trouble, these are his Grandmoms, not his greats…)


Happy Birthday Bubs!  We are so blessed to have you in our lives – your life is truly a gift and you teach us something daily and challenge us to be better parents every day.  We Love YOU!

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