Thursday, April 18, 2013

9 months in, 9 months out

IMG_2585Happy 9 month birthday, Hadleigh!  You’ve been out of mommy’s safe swimming pool belly for as long as you were in it. (Well, as long as we knew you were there!  God knew a lot longer than we did!)IMG_2517

This month you took your first sled ride with your brother and played in the odd late March snowstorm.  Only weeks later to be playing outside in a makeshift water play saucer (yes, that is a snow saucer Mama turned into a play area for Hadleigh) because it was 87 degrees!  You loved both, but you are a Smith for sure, because you were happy as a lark sitting and playing in that water!


You are mobile and on the go.  You do a really fun army man belly scoot – pull with your elbows and use one leg (usually right) to propel yourself forward.  You are becoming very efficient.  The gates are going up soon!    You babble a lot of different sounds and love when we talk back to you as if we are in conversation. Your beautiful blue eyes don’t miss a thing – you are absorbing it all.


You’ve just learned to do “soooo big” and will randomly do it to get our attention…you laugh and giggle freely.  You tried your first Cheerios and had a blast picking them up and chewing on them.  You still have 2 little teeth on the bottom, but the tops are on their way – you gnaw on everything!

So happy to have you in our lives – and are excited to see who God will lead you to become.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a joy, along with your big brother and big sister. I am so blessed to be called your Grandmom. I love the time I can spend with all of you. You, Hudson, and Anna are a true gift!
I love you,