Thursday, April 5, 2012


Over my spring break from teaching at the college, we had an opportunity to take a free vacation to Ocean City, MD.  A first for Chris and the kiddos – I had been fortunate enough to take a trip there with Marion a few years ago.  Even though it was “winter” and still a bit breezy, we managed to really enjoy the beach town – and appreciate the emptiness (all except for the locals)!  The boardwalk, our own hot tub, indoor swimming, walks outside, indoor mini-golf and even ice skating!  I’ll just let the pictures do the talking.  I’m not feeling all that “literarily” creative this morning.  (although that is a pretty creative word…)DSCF0033DSCF0030DSCF0032DSCF0035DSCF0037DSCF0043DSCF0047DSCF0049DSCF0051DSCF0056DSCF0065DSCF0068DSCF0072DSCF0088

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