Warning: This is an odd conglomeration of pictures…and stories.
What’s better than draining an ice cold glass of lemonade on a warm summer day? Selling fresh-squeezed lemonade on the sidewalk with a buddy and planning how to use your plunder. With the help of a few friends who travelled from nearby, Hudson’s lemonade stand was a success. Our neighbors and friends made sure that his first business venture was successsful ~ Hudson had us put out a “text” to let people know that he was open for business…and a few showed up to feast on his deliciously concocted beverage (thanks to Paula Deen’s famous recipe.)
Only a few days later, Hudson lost his “first” tooth. I say first, because if you have seen pics of him, you know that he has been missing his front top teeth since 7/08 (they had to be pulled out following an accident). It’s too darn cute. But now, he is missing his bottom 2 teeth – the legit way!
(with his treasure box that he created – he decided he would put his teeth in here for the tooth fairy!) The first one came out on it’s own, and he was a bit freaked by the blood….the second one had a little help from our own personal Dental Hygienist, who happened to be present at our home for dinner that night! Miss Angie put her mad-skills to work, and convinced Hudson that she just needed to see how “loose” it really was. Within seconds, Hudson had lost his 2nd legit-tooth.
He looks too cute – really!
I love that last picture! So cute! You will have to send me a copy of that :)Aunt Steph
My how times have changed...sending out 'open for business' texts! Love it!
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