We are. It’s been cold. Not just cold, but so cold that you aren’t really supposed to spend long periods of time outside. The kind of cold that if you walk the 10 feet from your door to the car without gloves, by the time you go to insert your keys into the ignition, you can’t feel your fingers.
So what do you do when you are stuck inside? Hmm…I used to have grand illusions of what I would do (when I lived in Sunny Arizona) if I was stuck inside. Read a book, watch a movie, cuddle up by the fire…in other words do nothing. The problem with that dream? I didn’t include any small children in my visions.
I’ve made revisions to my vision. :p
Now we make melty ornaments, string cool necklaces with beads (Hugs’ always has a neat pattern – latest is red and green with white ones that have “merry christmas” on the white beads) and bake cookies. And if mommy is feeling really adventurous, we decorate them. Best tricks of decorating with young littles? Use cake pans to catch all the mess. Put colored icing in zip lock baggies and cut off a small corner so they each get their own decorating bag. Set out small bowls of candy to decorate with – but not too much – otherwise, every cookie may have every kind of candy on it.
He’s not mad, I promise. He was making a growl-y sound pretending he was going to eat all of the cookies in front of him!
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