Sunday, February 28, 2010

one of many blessings

One of the many blessings of coming East has been being closer to some of our friends who we attended college with.  Auntie Dana has been one of mommy’s best friends – a friendship that started the first week of college in the freshmen dorm; let’s just say Auntie Dana was doing some crazy things Mommy thought was hilarious (and she was sober…yes.)  IMG_1700

Friends, roomies, confidants, and then pregnant with our girls at the same time.  I’ve come to learn that those true friends are those that remain over time and over distance.  And when you get together with them, even if it’s been a while, you feel like you were just hanging out yesterday.


Anna and Katie are only a month apart – and that has been another blessing.  Anna loves her Katie and Auntie Dana.  They were able to come over and sled recently, and everyone had a great time.


Oh no!  A pile up!  Hudson slid down while Auntie Dana was pulling Katie and Anna up the hill – luckily, everyone thought it was pretty hilarious.

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