To put it simply, because words don’t do it justice,
Hudson asked Jesus to live in his heart.
Hudson has known the truth for a long time. He’s talked about it, he tells others about it, and he tries his best to live it. He tries to “show love” in the best ways a four year old can. In fact, he most likely crossed the line of faith on his own. But tonight, he prayed the words.
We had just finished reading the story of Moses, Pharaoh, and the plagues. We were talking about the last plague and how the Israelites put the lamb’s blood on their doorposts to be safe. How the lamb’s blood saved them. Hudson’s “Jesus Storybook Bible” amazingly weaves the story of how Jesus was and is the center of God’s plan for redemption – even in the Old Testament.
Our conversation followed as this:
Mommy: Who is the lamb that came later to save us?
Hudson: Jesus! He died to take away our sins and save us.
Mommy: That’s right. He washes away our sins and lives with us. He helps us make good choices.
Hudson: But sometimes I don’t Mommy.
Mommy: I don’t make good choices all the time either, Hudson. I mess up too. A lot. But Jesus helps me make good choices when I listen to him and learn to love him better.
Hudson: How does he live in my heart?
Mommy: We ask Him to. Do you want him too?
Hudson: Yes Mommy. I want him to live in my heart forever.
We prayed together, and Hudson said these simple, yet beautiful words. Words I will never forget, nor will I ever forget the joy and overwhelming gladness in my own heart…
“Jesus, please come and live in my heart forever. And ever. Amen.”
Simple. Beautiful. Profound.
I didn’t cry then, but I did cry after we read a book and then sang a song. He gets to choose a song before bed, and he wanted me to sing a song called “Jesus in my heart.” There is no such song that I know of, but he wanted me to sing one. So we made one up. And it was beautiful.
As I prayed and thanked God for our little boy who so passionately loves and lives, I began to cry. Hudson asked me why I was crying and I made sure he knew that it is ok to cry when your heart is overflowing from happiness. And he thought that was great.
That’s good, because I think he is a pretty awesome and great little man.
…if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. Romans 10:9-10 (NASB)
Rejoice with us, and pray for us as we continue to do our best to show our children the Way, the Truth and the Life.