Where days are long & lazy and the sun is warm.
Where Big Dipper Ice Cream isn't a rare treat, it's an expected after dinner dessert.
When meals with family are long and leisurely.
Where smiles are abundant, and whining is rarely heard.
Where you feel like you may be saving the earth because you walk or ride your bike.
Where the allure of gentle waves and sand castles far outway the need for a TV.
Where you can run the boulevard and greet 75 others out for their morning run as well.
When Poppy always has a bag full of Tootsie Pops and Mom-Mom always has Baked Lays.
Where the simplicities of coppertone baby buns and the smell of salty air provide enough joy and happiness to last to the winter days when you think it may have been a dream....
That's LBI.
Couldn't you find one good picture of me??!!! The face I'm makingin the family shot looks like the face I made in my sixth grade class picture! Some people never change :)
You found my new blog! :)
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