Monday, August 31, 2009
i can can, can you?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Long Beach Island Recap
Where days are long & lazy and the sun is warm.
Where Big Dipper Ice Cream isn't a rare treat, it's an expected after dinner dessert.
When meals with family are long and leisurely.
Where smiles are abundant, and whining is rarely heard.
Where you feel like you may be saving the earth because you walk or ride your bike.
Where the allure of gentle waves and sand castles far outway the need for a TV.
Where you can run the boulevard and greet 75 others out for their morning run as well.
When Poppy always has a bag full of Tootsie Pops and Mom-Mom always has Baked Lays.
Where the simplicities of coppertone baby buns and the smell of salty air provide enough joy and happiness to last to the winter days when you think it may have been a dream....
That's LBI.
LBI: Cute Cousin Pics
Friday, August 28, 2009
25 quarts, 17 pints, 1 1/2 bushels
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
learning to love...
Angie and I loaded her boys and my two up for the trip to the nature preserve, anticipating the little museum would be open - lucky us, it was closed on Mondays. But that was fine, because we had a great time hiking the trails anyway!

Saturday, August 8, 2009
stayin' cool
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
(sigh) I'm for sure a mom
Really, that is exciting. (Sigh)....I must be a mom. But wait, there's more. I've been able to drive my mom's minivan around for the past 2 weeks, because she graciously let us borrow it when our Santa Fe was in the shop...well, it was in the shop for 2 days, and I've pilfered it for a few more days than that. (What a luxury to have two vehicles again!)
We've been a one family auto since we arrived in PA - I'll look at it as if we intentionally did it to save the planet. But not really.) This is the Quest I've been zooming around town in. And now I have minivan envy. (sigh) I must be a mom. Man, never thought the day would come, but yes, let me shout it to the world, "I WANT A MINI VAN!" (ew, even typing it is slightly revolting to's a learned response, I'll get better.) It doesn't matter, because the days of us having one are in a future that is far, far away.
But while we're on the topic of minivans, I like this one too. It's the new Hyundai version (yup, we like our Hyundais in this family - our santa fe has served us amazingly well.) I guess it is ok to say that I covet this one too - but not to the point of sinfulness - just to the point of,
"(Sigh), I must be a mom."