As a post-Mother's Day and pre-Father's Day date, Chris and I ventured with Kim and Marion to the concert. I appreciate Coldplay's music. I know a lot of songs - maybe more than your average person, as we have been listening to them for longer than Viva la Vida (you know, the Coke commercial, or Grey's Anatomy, etc....) Their pure talent and musical prowess is amazing - for they don't lay their musicianship at the feet of making a hit. We also love the fact that many of their songs are piano/keyboard driven - who said a hit had to be lead on acoustic guitar?
This concert was amazing - did I say that? Besides the fact that it rained almost an inch in the hour before the outdoor concert (yes, an inch in an hour) and their were drunk, wet fools that tailgated dancing in the newly created rivers, the concert was amazing. The sun came out, the rains subsided and the show began. After the preshow, the much anticipated main event came on stage and didn't stop playing for 2 hours. Their showmanship and their talent was evident in all aspects of the show.
For an acoustic 'break', they actually walked into the stands and stood on a small 4x5 platform that had been built into the arena seats and was a section to our left...they were so close and it was cool! (although, i'd venture to say there was hardly a bad seat in the whole stadium.) At this point we were really disappointed our camera batteries had died before we even got to take one picture. Oh well!
Many thanks to our double date for the night and to Coldplay for an incredible experience - viva la vida!
that's awesome! it has been so so long since i've been to a concert. and i love coldplay. lucky girl! i'm glad you guys had such a good time.
I get lost in my head remembering how much fun I had at the concert. They made me an even bigger fan.
I LOVE Coldplay! We have been fortunate to see them 3 times, the most recent being over a year ago, but it sounds like we saw a very similar show (it was when they first started touring for viva la vida) and in that show they did a little stage in the audience as well, which happened to be like 500ft to the left of our seats! It's funny you went to this show, as my mom and dad were just visiting us this weekend and my mom was saying that she saw Coldplay was playing in the area.
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