We had a great Easter Sunday - it was so celebratory...as every Sunday should be, but as a believer, celebrating Christ's defeat over death and sin - PRAISE THE LORD! Chris had a busy weekend with Good Friday service and three Easter services and was ready to relax by the time Sunday lunch rolled around. He did a phenomenal job (as always) of leading God's family into an encounter with the Holy Spirit. He helps prepare hearts, through music, to hear and accept God's spoken Word.
So here are some attempts at Easter photos...these never seem to work out exactly as I have "pictured" in my head. I guess that's why you pay the professional some times.
after my new haircut....
Ok, so I did get one good shot of my kids this week - they were opening a very special present from a very special family to us....Ms. Merle and gang sent us an Easter package (wrapped in Canadian Maple Leaf tape!) and Hugs and Banana were very excited; as you can see.
I LOVE your new 'do! Lookin' good!
So cute ( the kids and you, of course!). I love the age that the kids are at... so full of wonder and joy. What a great day!
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