Happy baby, silly baby. You drank what baby?
Drawing here, writing there. There's an author over there!
Splishing, Splashing - where did you go?
One baby covered in yellow snow - say it's not SO!
Yup, if you didn't know, March 2nd was Dr. Seuss' birthday - and a well celebrated holiday in most primary classrooms around the good ole U S of A. Lucky for me, and lucky for Hudson, I was well aware of this fact and able to capitalize upon it. Now, I must confess, I had not planned any Dr. Seuss activities, or any big projects, but knew Hudson would love to know this fact, as Dr. Seuss is one of his "fave" authors at the moment. We did happen to find some cool games for him to play during his computer time. I wish I'd known about these games a few years ago - but I digress.
So my rhyme lovin', Dr. Seuss in training insisted we do a Dr. Seuss "pra-chekt" (read: project for all you non-phonics reading folks). I pushed it off until today, yes...we had plenty of other things to keep us busy. But today preschool was cancelled because of the icy roads and drifting from the snowstorm. I thought I'd be good to go with a simple Cat in the Hat hat. (See above). Yes, he loved that activity, but my budding super genious in training wanted to write his own Dr. Seuss books.
He listed about 5 that he wanted to pen, and I convinced him that we should start with one. So while Anna quietly played (hmmm....what is it about second borns and being able to self-entertain at a younger age - or is it because she's a girl?), we wrote his book. The words I wrote on the pages were his direct quotations and dictated to me. All I have to say is, "What an awful thing that I almost didn't do this with him. How precious did this turn out?" I was so busy that I tried to gloss over the fact and capitalize upon is huge desire to write and and create right now. He sends a letter in the mail everyday to someone that he has "written" to, or that he has painted a picture for. He is so into letters and drawing that I almost missed my opportunity for this priceless treasure. And I had to share. I captioned each one in case you can't read from the picture. The illustrations were his ideas with a little assistance from Mommy for basic structure - but he colored them all by his lonesome.
He took away the Who presents. He made himself into a Santy Claus.
Part 2 - Yellow Snow, Say it ain't so!
So while we were blissfully authoring and illustrating, I thought Anna was playing nicely as she normally does. She builds blocks, reads books, plays in her kitchen, happily toddles around the house investigating. Her curiousity got her into a bit of a mess today...literally. She managed to get a door open to the bathroom and was playing in the toilet. Aww, cute, right? Had to take the obligatory toilet picture.
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