Target doesn't have olives or bread crumbs. Uh-oh. Gotta get breadcrumbs for my ground chicken meatballs for spagetti and meatballs. Gotta go to Wal-Mart. Aw, man! Wally-World not crowded. Yippee! Anna is a super helper and great shopper. Yippee! Find yummy Isaac's-like pickles/veggie mix. Yippee!
Get inspired for another dinner idea for later this week (cheap - yippeee!) and remember a friend that gave me the recipe a long time ago - yippee! (thanks Kevaleen!!!!!) Anna dumps eggs in cart. uh-oh. None break - yippee! Think about Lent and what I want to do. Decide on a goal. Call Becky - boys are having a blast. Bring her a sandwich to say thanks. Get to have lunch with a friend while kids play. Yippee. Becky gives Anna a heart balloon - yippee! Anna loves balloons!
Get home. Hudson full of tears. Aw, man! Anna lays down. Hudson lays down not long after - he's wiped from playing so hard. I made it - nap time. Rest my eyes for a bit - enjoy the quiet of the house - except the wind is so strong I think the roof is going to fly off. Uh-oh! Hudson wakes. Hard time waking up. Uh-oh. Enjoys Clifford and a snack to gently waken. Yippee! Kim calls - yippee! Anna wakes up. Kim gives me hints on good italian meatballs (cause she's one of those...italians, that is). Finish conversation. Think about changing to go run. Don't. Decide to mix meatballs. Begin. Hudson tries to help. Takes pots to bathroom. Hear water running. Uh-oh. Doggie in sink with the water. Aw, man. Make him clean it up. Hudson mad doggie is wet.
Chris calls. Someone from church is coming after we leave for gym to pick something up from basement. Gotta pick up toys - aw, man. Means it will be clean when get back from gym. Yippee. Think about starting to cook meatballs. Decide not to. Start cleaning. Hudson and Anna sitting at craft table coloring together. Yippee!
Hear Anna whine and Hudson call me. Turn corner and see Hudson with scissors in hand with Anna's hair on the floor. AW MAN!!!! Put Hudson in permanent time out in his room. Assess the damage. Thank the Lord she wasn't hurt. Yippee! Notice cut from the back near the middle of the curls. No more pig tails for a while. Blends in (kinda) like layers. Thank God for Anna having mommy's curly hair genes. Yippee.
Decide to cook meatballs. Look at clock. Still think might go to the gym. Need a break in my own head to run and work things out. Preheat oven. Friend from church comes. Hudson and Mommy talk. Yippee, I think he understands. Wanted to cut hair like a barber and Grandmom. Scissors are a ask only treat now. Friend leaves. Smell burning. Open oven and see smoldering pan with leftover sweet potato juice from our baked sweet potatoes on Saturday night. House smoky. Aw, man! Put pan on back porch. Put meatballs in. Anna brings me shoes. She's too cute. Check the meatballs. Hear Anna scream. Uh-oh. She fell down the steps, the door was not shut all the way. Assess, don't know how far she fell. She is pretty good with steps. No injuries visible. Stops crying soon. Yippee.
Put Anna in highchair. Plays with playdough. Chop onions, red pepper and yellow pepper for sauce. Heat stainless pan. Put EVO in and onions. Too hot. SMOKE AND SPLATTER OIL!!! Aw, man! Take that pan outside too. Chop more onion. Try again. Saute onion and peppers. Meatballs done. Mix with sauce. Give Anna small snack. Call Kim to tell her what happened in the past 90 minutes. Tells me to put on a movie for Hudson so I don't go nuts. Good advice. Yippee! Cut fruit for our fruit salad.
Chris comes home. Plays with kids and sets table. Yippee! Eat dinner. Everyone loves it! Glad my kids like veggies. Make a new sticker chart with Hudson for wake up and listening.
Go to Alpha and greet everyone. Talk to a friend. Come home. Help finish up baths and bedtime routine. Read books. Sing. Pray. In bed. Yippee.
Listening to my husband play guitar and writing a cathartic post. I made it.

24 is on in 3 minutes. Yippee!
I made it. I made it. God, grant me strength for tomorrow....only You are sufficient for my weaknesses.
That was one of the greatest posts I've read. Well done on your recap.
And, I am so proud of you - you blogged about 24 ... you are hooked.
Peace, love, Jack Bauer -
What a great memory! I'm glad Anna didn't lose all of her hair. Sorry you never made it to the gym. You're a good mommy.
Yippee! you survived your day!
i'm very intersted in the issac's pickles mix.
i love writing out the drama of my makes me feel like i did do something after all!!
1) Missed 24 :( You'll have to fill me in. Jack is as close as I get to filling my Sydney void!
2) Love your posts. Makes me miss you more.
3) It's funny how when I look at Hudson's chart, I see so much of my daughter :)
4) I will be better about blogging! Talk with you soon!
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