Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas to me....

And this is my Merry Christmas to me - a ghetto eye.

I woke up with my eye swollen shut - nice, huh? I called the doc, and they saw me because it didn't sound like pink eye. It isn't - I have periorbital cellulitis. Basically, cellulitis of my eyelids on my left eye. I look like a pirate - complete with the one eyed wink and an argh for the headache I have. I'll post our Christmas letter tomorrow for those of you who didn't get it in the mail - we were trying to save a bit on postage (oh, and our mailbox was vandalized on Saturday too - that kinda stopped things too.)


marion said...

What?? Did they give you meds? How long will it last?

Tracy Watanabe said...

Lookin real good there Beth! :-)