Ok, so admittedly, Marion and I don't really get the whole phrase "putting up" that they seem to use so frequently in this region, but last night, we "put up" peaches (for the normal people out there, that is canning). Mom came over and taught us how to can peaches so that maybe we can do some other stuff as well - on our own. Anyway, amidst 6 children ages 5 and under (with the help of Gwen managing them all) two daddies come and gone, two large cheese pizzas disappeared, several apples picked from the unrippened apple tree devoured, countless juice boxes and two bushels of peaches later, we were able to can 31 quarts of peaches. Yummmm....they look so good. And if you're nice, maybe I'll share them if you come to my house for lunch or dinner. ;o)

This is fun, right?
Workin' hard.
I wish I had taken a picture of you for the blog! Next time... applesauce. :)
are you sure it is putting up and not putting away? i never heard of putting up.
i have put up (if that's the new word) lots of things...corn, applesauce, salsa....but forget that canning craziness (grew up doing that)...I just put in good freezer bags and freeze. I do applesauce that way too (except it is in containers)...save yourself the headache...but maybe it wouldn't really be putting up then.
yum! i love peaches! we went and picked raspberries yesterday. i'm excited to make jam.
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