Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thanks Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus!

ghetto eye follow-up
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas to me....

I woke up with my eye swollen shut - nice, huh? I called the doc, and they saw me because it didn't sound like pink eye. It isn't - I have periorbital cellulitis. Basically, cellulitis of my eyelids on my left eye. I look like a pirate - complete with the one eyed wink and an argh for the headache I have. I'll post our Christmas letter tomorrow for those of you who didn't get it in the mail - we were trying to save a bit on postage (oh, and our mailbox was vandalized on Saturday too - that kinda stopped things too.)
Friday, December 19, 2008
A Memorable Performance
Hudson had his first "on stage" performance this past Tuesday as his preschool class put on a Christmas program. Dad, Mom, Anna, Grandmom and Uncle Bryan all braved the winter weather to enjoy quite a performance....particularly from Hudson. Let's just say he "stood out" in every way possible. What can I say, he will be a headliner! We thought you might enjoy seeing snippets from the performance.
You'll notice Hudson coming to the front of the stage and being taken down - this was because Hudson declared he "had to go potty"...three times and they finally let him off the stage. The next scene you will hear one voice above the others - and a little delayed - that would be Hudson. He did a great job with the hand motions...and crunching on the snow.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
"So Big!"
The house that Hudson Built and other goodies
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My Macro Hero

Friday, December 5, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Advent Countdown
Snowmen at Night AND Snowmen at Christmas by Buehner
Snowflake Bentley - Briggs Martin (this is more advanced, great pictures - Caldecott winner)
Christmas in the Country by Rylant (Cynthia Rylant Rocks!!!!)
The Mitten by Brett
White Snow, Bright Snow by Tresselt - classic old book, but great reading
Auntie Claus by Primavera
Jolly Christmas Postman by Little (lots of small pieces though - check what you can handle)
The Polar Express by Van Allsburg
Merry Christmas George! (at Kohl's right now for 5.00 Hardcover)
What is Christmas? Adams and Wummer
Who is Coming to Our House? Slate
Snowy Day by Keats
If you Take a Mouse to the Movies by Numeroff (She rocks too - that's the whole If you....series)
Merry Christmas Mouse! by Numeroff
Clifford's Christmas is always a classic
Biscuit Gives a Gift (Hudson loves Biscuit) and there's the Pet and Play Christmas book too)
Room for A little one (board book - by Waddell)
Snowballs by Ehlert - caldecott artist
what Santa Can't Do (it's funny!)
Olive, the Other Reindeer
This is the Stable by Cotten
There was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow (fun take on the old song!)
There are many more, but these were some of the ones I have, want to have, or have gotten from the library because of their appeal to my kids, or just plain great books. Feel free to let me know some of your favorites that we may like to check out or try to find! And.....Merry Christmas!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Day 4 Recovery
I got referred to an incredible Doc from our church and he has done a phenomenal job. He even checked up on my post-surgery recovery while at service on Sunday - he happened to see me and took the time to come check - how awesome is that?!? Anyway - my leg is purple, black, pink, red and starting to get green, which means it's getting better. :) I have four incisions, one at the very top of my inner thigh, and then 3 more at varied intervals down to the mid section of my inner calf. They used a crochet hook type needle to dig around in there and pull out the offenders. At least that is what I'm told....I was blissfully sound asleep. After the fact, I was kinda wishing I would've asked to have the veins saved so I could at least see the little boogers that were the pain-inducing noodly tubes. Some of you are grossed out. That's ok - at least I knew I wouldn't be able to handle seeing it done. That wasn't an option. And if it was, I still would've declined. All I do know is that the IV medicine they use to make you go to sleep is some good stuff.
Thanks to my wonderful and devoted husband, I was well cared for and was able to rest and stay off my feet as long as I needed. 2 friends were rockin' and helped care for my kids before my mom could get here to watch the kids while I was in surgery. And Grandmom made us dinner on Thursday night and then also took Hudson for the weekend to her house to give me a little bit of an easier time during recovery. I still have to have my leg up when I can and have it wrapped tightly. Two wonderful friends also brought us meals - even one who proclaims she doesn't cook - I don't know, but for someone who doesn't cook, it tasted pretty delish! The body of Christ is a cool thing to be the recipient of it in action....and witness people using gifts and talents they don't even realize they are exercising. What a blessing, what a gift.
Friday, November 21, 2008
First Snow!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Rescue Fireman and Hockey
Hudson also loves to play "hockey" with mommy. He's totally into it!
When we came in, Hudson had to have some Hot Cocoa with whipped cream....
Sunday, November 16, 2008
In other news - Anna has been laughing at herself. Full on, whole body, everything gets into the giggle laughter. It's really cute. It's fake, but it is really cute. She sat in her room for about 45 minutes this afternoon, playing and laughing at herself. Hilarity in its purest forms are quite refreshing...she was refreshing to my mommy weary spirit.
Coming soon - video of Anna walking like a maniac. She's getting to be a pro!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Denial and Smiles
Ok, just kidding, but really - it's been a while, and I can blame it on these crazy germs in this new climate...really! In a short summary (please pray for our health in this house!), we had: sinus infection (Hudson), walking pneumonia (Beth), puking bug (Anna), body flu (Chris), diarrhea bug (Anna), puking bug (Chris - and it's his birthday - collective "awwww!"). I opened up all the windows to air out the house and have been sanitizing and washing a lot. Hopefully we're getting hit now, and it won't come later...hopefully.
I just to post some pictures of the past 2 weeks, because between all of these things, we did manage to find some fun and enjoyable moments - this Smith family don't let no bugs get us down...we keep on truckin. We keep on smilin'!
We hit the zoo on a beautiful "indian summer day"...it was in the 70s and gorgeous. It was a great zoo - in fact, we liked it so much, and we miss the Phoenix Zoo so much, that we ended up applying our day tickets toward a family year membership - and we get to take guests, so come join us sometime! There were all sorts of neat things - not to mention it was just gohr-jus that day....we were zippin along and the kids were fully entertained - until Anna puked all over herself and the stroller. We still had fun!
Daddy and Hudson time....zebras are so cool!
Mommy was happy to see her favorite zoo animal - giraffes! And there were babies!
A cool slide that is from a tree - Hudson loved this thing! (t-minus 30 seconds until puke time after this picture was taken.....ewww....)What happens immediately after Anna pukes.....she sleeps.
Daddy and Anna playing "uh-oh" blocks.
Happy birthday Daddy!
Hudson and Mommy made Apple Butter. It is really yummy! Hudson was a good helper in peeling and coring the apples. He even cut the apples into pieces for the crock-pot.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Candy for Tigger and Piglet
After dressing them all and heading out the door for a quick picture, we were off. Lil' Rocker (the frog) and Anna (Piglet) got the easy ride in the wagon - and neither of them had a clue what was happening - although Lil' figured it out fairly quickly! We had Tigger, Piglet, Frog, Ladybug (Sha-Sha) and a Red Power Ranger (Ringleader).
Tigger and Piglet would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween - and as Hudson said goodbye to the candy-givers, "Ta Ta For Now!" (yea, he really did, and they ate it up!)