We had the honor and privilege of flying to Florida to visit Grandmother in February – girls only, though! Grandmom and the two little girls (and mama) ventured to the sunshine state to bask in the warmth and take in all the grandmother love that our hearts could manage!

Anna and Hadleigh waiting for our flight – of course, when at BWI, you have to get Jamba to fill your time. And yes, that’s our 7 month old drinking from a straw. She drinks from straws…not sippy cups…especially when it is a smoothie!

A short flight later and we had arrived in the sunshine state. Everyone kept asking Anna if she was excited to see Mickey. She kept saying, “I’m not coming to see Mickey, I’m coming to see my Grandmother!”

Grandmother lives right on the canal that leads to Lake Okeechobee. The girls (and I) love sitting out back watching the birds, the fish and enjoying the quiet of the water lapping. Later in the afternoon while Hadleigh was napping, Anna got out the sprinkler to cool off. It was a DELIGHTFUL 87 degrees every day we were there. Oh, bestill my weary winter soul (and skin).

2 of the days we had the opportunity to go swimming at the pool.

And on Monday while we were there, we went to the beach! It was Hadleigh’s first experience with sand and the ocean water, and she loved it. She especially enjoyed sucking the salt water off her fingers.

After a fun day at the beach, we went to a local seafood restaurant on the canal and stuffed ourselves full of fresh gulf shrimp and scallops.

One of our favorite treats was the FRESH orange juice every morning. Anna loved helping Grandmother make this treat – and she loved drinking it even more. I don’t think Grandmother knew one little girl could drink so much OJ!

A few times we did “face time” with Daddy on Grandmom’s iPad. Anna’s delight was evident every time she could talk to Daddy and Hudson.
We had a wonderful trip – it was so incredible to get to spend some quality time with Grandmom and Grandmother…and to make some fabulous memories…