rocked. that is how I feel this week. seriously.
a combination of events and life situations that have left me not only physically tired (duh, I expect that at almost 37 weeks), but emotionally drained. emotionally wiped out to the point where I felt like if one more thing happened I may not make it without a crying breakdown (oh, and I did…several times).
bronchitis and a pregnant mama….not a good combo.
add in = some really frustrating and upsetting news where you question how in the world you are going to handle an unexpected change.
add in = not sleeping well because of coughing and medicines
add in = a flat tire, and an almost flat tire
But wouldn’t you know, God keeps showing His faithful hand? It’s one of those things when I got a call from Chris and I bawled with him on the phone for 20 minutes…he was reassuring me that God is always faithful and we will be able to handle what is coming. And in my cynicism, I was thinking, “yup…let’s see how this one works out.”
Less than 5 minutes after hanging up, the kids and I were out the door and had just turned onto the main road to go visit a friend for a bit. And this is what we saw (well, something very close to this…)

a doe and her fawn. in the field by the corn. in the middle of the day. placed there by God for my children and I to gaze at. to wonder at. too marvel at.
We stopped on the road (yup, we don’t live in a high traffic area) and just watched them for a good 30 seconds. They just stared at us and then kept about their business.
And in those thirty seconds,
I breathed.
I observed.
I listened.
And you know what I heard? (besides silence from my children? ;o)
The Holy Spirit.
“Look at those deer. So well taken care of…part of creation. But not even in His image and he takes care of their every need. Beth, aren’t you and your family made in the Father’s image? Trust. He does the same for you. He always has. He always will.”
that’s all I needed. a reminder. a visual.
a pictorial love note from the one who created me.
And now I just need to keep on remembering. and breathing. and listening.