We certainly packed it all in this weekend – beginning with family Friday…which actually turned into Mommy goes to work and Hudson and Anna come along morning. For the incredible reading audience of tens that I have, most of you know that I recently took a very part time job teaching music at a local music and play center.
I like it. A lot. It’s doing something that I enjoy, with an age that I love, and I even get to take my kids with me – as long as I am not the primary teacher. So, when the opportunity came up to assist in the Monkey Mania camp, we were in! The 3 hour morning was full of jungle play, art projects, letter work on “M”, puppets, snacks and, of course, singing & instruments.
The crazies had a blast – and they wondered when they can come with Mommy to work again. Unfortunately, Hudson won’t be able to, as he is too old to attend regular classes….but I can take Anna almost any time.
Friday night we hit the rail trail – look at Hudson on his bike with no training wheels – and the kid rode 5 miles! We took a break in the middle at turn-around, but what a champ!!!!
After riding for that long together, what does a family need to do on a beautiful summer night with cicadas singing and breeze blowing? Go to the local dairy for FRESH HOMEMADE ICE CREAM! All the ice cream is made on-site and after you eat your
fill, of course you go and pet the cows and run through the corn maze. I personally was in heaven with my summer time fave of banana ice-cream. Don’t knock it til you’ve had the heavenly treat – my grandparents used to make it for every Kentucky birthday I celebrated with them….mmmmmm.
Think we’re done? We’re just getting started (I LOVE SUMMER WEEKENDS!!!!) We participated in a huge service project with our church family in the city. Over 400 volunteers served the city school district with painting, mulching, destruction of old school furniture (awesome, right?), weeding, etc…
Our small group wanted to choose a project that we could involve our kiddos in, so they can see the tangible gift of sharing the love of Jesus through service. See? Even little hands can serve! They pulled weeds, swept, mulched, & carried trash bags.

No project is really a project until someone gets hurt – wanna guess who?
So sad, but after a Sally CARS band-aid, life was better…..and then came snacks, and life was definitely better! And yes, germophobes, we had anti-bacterial wipes that were sufficiently used to eliminate most of the gunk – some germs are good for ya!
After much needed naps for our gang, we headed out to our Saturday night venture….a swim in the pond and a cookout on the farm!
We got to spend the evening with great friends and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation in these parts of the country – seriously, how many kids can say they live in such a beautiful area and get to do awesome things like swim in a pond in the summer….

or go on bike rides…or have big picnics all summer long…or get poison on your face? (That’s tomorrow’s story….and that’s how we spent our Sunday.)