Anna went with daddy today to get her haircut. She went from lllloooonnnngggg to too cute! She loves it!

Anna went with daddy today to get her haircut. She went from lllloooonnnngggg to too cute! She loves it!
This may become a favorite go-to of ours…
It turns out, we may have a little fashionista on our hands here. Anna loves dressing up – what little girl doesn’t? – but it doesn’t stop there. Anna is addicted to clothing catalogs – and she is a great shopper. I’m not kidding. She’s 3 and the store clerks adore her because she picks out the most amazing outfits and holds them up and says, “Mommy, isn’t this too cute? This is CUTE!”
While she isn’t old enough yet to have the heart to heart of how we will never be able to afford all the things that come in the catalogs to our home (she has her heart set on this swim suit from Lands End kids…maybe I can find one similar somewhere for less?), we can use the Lands End Kids Catalog for an even greater – more creative purpose!!!!
Grab your crayons, print these adorable people, and cut your outfits from your favorite kids’ catalog. They turned out too cute – Hudson and Anna both loved coloring and picking out clothes for their people. The picture is missing a few – they are hanging out on the sliding glass door at the moment – I think a few of them were taken to play in the dollhouse and didn’t return to their “home”.
(This is an oriole nest…replica of course!)
Our cousins are here – hip, hip hooray!
What should we do today?
It is quite warm with sun so bright,
We’ve gotta play til’ late at night.
Where should we go? The sky is so blue!
Ah…we know, it’s a perfect day for the zoo.
In September, Matt is moving 3 hours away from us for Med School, and Alli is joining him after their wedding – we are soooooo excited that they’ll be so much closer and we can see them more often….it’ll be so much better than being 12 hours away.This DIY was as easy as finding an old window at the local antique shop and repurposing it as a calendar. I had a friend that is handy (thanks Mr. Josh) put slider holes - for lack of a better term, the holes that fit a screw and then slide into a narrow line to be secure - in the back. He even hung it for us!
And now I've got a rockin new weekly calendar. And if I change my mind about the calendar, it still looks rockin and I could display pics.
Daddy: Anna, look at this picture of you.
Anna: [very matter of factly]
I’m praisin’ the Lord, Daddy!
I’ve been researching some reading programs for a friend that homeschools, and came across this pretty cute curriculum that has been just released for preschoolers. The creators have just added this on to their already well known All About Spelling program. If you have a preschooler and want to take a look at 2 FREE booklets for pre-readers that focuses on listening comprehension, print awareness, letter knowledge, phonological awareness, and motivation to read, here’s a link!
Scroll to the bottom, download and enjoy!
March 1st, and it was nice enough to feed the ducks! Can you tell we were having fun?