Ok….well, maybe not a sweet smell while finishing – that was more, well, sweat smell. Body odor mixed with the wafting scents from the chocolate factory. My lil bro and I completed the 13.1 miles on Sunday in the inaugural Hershey Half Marathon. His first race – my challenge to him – and kids, I think he’s hooked too. :o)

Mile 8 – Cousin Kendra, “niece” Dana, Grandmom, Hudson and Anna were there to cheer us on – in the cold.
I must also tell the truth in the fact that it was not much of a run for him. His long body (yes, longer than mine by 4 inches) was not extremely challenged by my trudge-worthy pace. We enjoyed the scenery, reminisced as we passed family-only-meaningful places (our dad grew up in Hershey – actually, the new plant stands on the land where my dad’s farmhouse was), and chatted. Oh, and we laughed at things spectators said to us.
Nearing the finish at mile 12 was the last aid station. This was the announcement of the volunteers as you ran up to the station:
“Water to the left. Chocolate to the right.”
They weren’t kidding. They were passing out chocolate bars for energy. Right now it sounds appealing. THEN? It made me want to vomit – especially after I saw a guy trying to eat one and it was smeared all over his teeth because he didn’t have enough saliva to melt it down and swallow it. (I can hear your gag-reflexes.)
Holding hands to cross the finish line. I think he would’ve carried me if I asked him to.
Juanita (my big cuz's BF), Bryan, Me, Cousin Kim
We crossed the finish line and found our adoring fans in the stands – holding an ELMO balloon so we could find the (that’s a tip for other future racers – get a balloon) – and stretched. After loading a bit on water, protein chocolate replacement beverages, pineapple and some cheese, we cooled down and got a few precious pics…this one is too good not to share.
Yup, it was a sweet race, with a rockin’ friend and brother.