Saturday, January 31, 2009
I believe....
I bet that I would have a list of hundreds if I had time to write them all out - maybe I'll take that to task in a journal entry somewhere. But the one true tenet, the one belief that I try to let guide my life, my actions, my words was not a part of this email. So, being as the kind of person I am, I hit "reply" (it took restraint not to hit "reply all" :) and I let be made known my #1. Now, I must say that the person that sent me this email is a friend of mine and I love her dearly, but it got me thinkin. So, here goes and I want you to leave a reply as to what "I believe..." I want to hear your opinions. And we let anonymous comments on our blog for now, and we let the kind where you just put your name. So please, indulge me, and let's see what list we get....
I believe.....
That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, died for my sins and rose again on the third day. Because of His sacrifice I am privileged to be called a daughter of God. Salvation is a gift that must be received, for it is freely given - grace beyond all measure - for no matter the darkness in my life, Christ has made me acceptable to God through his loving sacrifice.
I'm not saved by works. I can't earn my way to heaven. It's not possible. But, because I love God and the free gift that was given to me, I show that love in tangible ways.
That a loving word and a gentle hug can make any day brighter.
That when my children are asleep they are truly angels!
That my parents did an awesome job teaching me and modeling to me what love between a husband and a wife really is. And what it means to work through the tough to get to the great.
That 'sticktuitiveness' is an admirable quality.
That innocence is a beautiful thing.
That teaching someone something new (in the classroom, home or workplace) makes all the hard work worth it.
That sometimes peanut butter will make just about any situation seem better.
That letters in the mail are a precious gift.
That my husband knows me better than I know myself. And, he's totally hot.
That girlfriends bring humor, sisterhood, laughter, tears, and understanding into daily life and its' struggles.
(I could keep going, but I want to see what you think....)
What do you believe?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Kinda Wordless Wednesday

Did you guess right? :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Farm Show
That's what Anna thought of being placed close enough to the cow to pet him.
These guys are in a tractor wheel...and lovin' the slushee.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Fun in the Snow!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
glimpses of things to come

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Daddy's proud moment
Movie Star and Rock Star
The Rock Star was recently available for comment concerning his passion for cooking. This little man wants to be "a pilot so I can fly in a plane whenever I want and it will have 2 seats on each side of the aisle and room for me to fly mommy and daddy and Anna wherever we want to go." Dream on little man, dream on - I'm all for that goal in life! But, in addition to that love, he has always enjoyed helping in the kitchen. In fact, for the past 2 Christmases and birthdays, he has been getting cooking utensils, play food, a kitchen, an apron, etc. I take full advantage of my little helper; he even does clean up with the dishes!!!! (He's mine ladies, all mine.) One recent morning Anna chose to take an AM siesta again and we made a chef hat for Hudson - he loved it. And then, we had to make something while in full chef regalia, so we made low fat chocolate cupcakes with full-fat peanut butter icing (yes, that's how I justify my indulgences). :)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Communication is a beautiful thing
She signs more than 6 signs. Just like Hudson, I've been simple signing with her from birth and she's regularly used two for the past couple months. But I just realized that within the past week I can really understand her wants (most of the time). She can tell me when she's thirsty (hand stroking throat), or when she's hungry (fingers to lips), wants more, wants up, is "all done", and no. Of course, she does the cute baby things too like waves bye and blows kisses, but she just looked at me a few minutes ago while we were playing, and instead of crying or whining, she signed "eat".... I verbalized, "You want to eat? You want a snack?" and she did it again....and I realized I can communicate with this little person - and it makes me so proud of her, because she's trying her darndest to show and share her life with us. She is such a precious joy...a precious gift. Communication is a beautiful thing.